When it comes to correcting the parameters of the penis, it is important for many not only and not so much an increase in the length as an increase in the diameter of the penis. The techniques and methods are also divided into lengthening and increasing the size of the penis. Volumetric techniques are based on techniques for increasing the size of the corpora cavernosa that make up the tissues of the penis. The complex of such procedures includes the performance of special exercises, massage of the genitals, as well as the use of external agents.
To achieve the most pronounced effect of increasing the diameter of the penis, it is recommended to combine different methods and techniques with each other. The combination is chosen depending on the desired result. Methods that are easy to apply at home, including the use of special devices and port devices, can increase the diameter of the penis from one and a half to two centimeters. There are also more drastic methods, which include plastic surgery. With its help, you can achieve a more significant increase in parameters.
When to increase the volume
Correction of the size and shape of the penis is prescribed by specialist doctors for sufficiently serious indications, including: micropenis, as well as congenital anomalies and acquired defects of the penis. In other cases, the patient makes the decision to increase the size of the penis independently.

As for the ways you can easily make your penis thicker at home, these include:
- Using a vacuum pump;
- Special techniques of intimate massage, combined with a warming up of the penis;
- A special technique for sitting on the penis.
Plus, quick and affordable ways to increase penile diameter include injections of hyaluronic acid fillers. Of course, such procedures are not performed at home - you will need to contact a suitable specialist, a dermatologist or a practicing cosmetologist with medical training. This method does not apply to plastic surgery, but belongs to the field of injection cosmetology.

If all of the above methods do not have the desired effect, it is possible to perform more serious interventions - we are talking about plastic surgery. One of the most effective procedures for thickening the penis is lipofilling, which is an increase in the shaft of the penis due to the introduction of a filler based on the patient's own fatty tissue.
The best ways to increase volume
For those of the stronger sex who have set themselves the goal of increasing the diameter of the penis, we advise you to carefully read the different techniques and methods, as many of them are more aimed at increasing the length. When using conservative methods, you should not expect immediate and pronounced results. To start training, you need to be patient, carry out the procedures regularly, and also master the use of various devices - pumps, extenders, etc.
In the case of work with the diameter of the penis, the technique of jelqing is performed in an unerect state. Also, be sure to use a lubricant to ensure a smoother ride. As such a lubricant, we recommend that you use gels and creams that work to increase the penis.

The exercises on the technique of jelqing should be performed in this way:
- Using your thumb and forefinger, form a ring-shaped handle and place it at the base of the penis;
- Lightly squeeze your fingers; the seizure should not cause discomfort;
- Move the grip from the root of the penis to the head, gradually increasing the pace;
This method is also called the "milking" technique. In one approach, it is necessary to perform at least 100 of these movements. Usually, the procedure takes about 15 minutes.
Intimate plastic
If manual conservative techniques, like those described above, do not bring the desired effect, it is worth turning to plastic surgery methods. There are several types of interventions to increase the diameter of the penis. It can be thickening of the penis due to transplantation of tissue from other parts of the patient's body, as well as injections of various fillers, as well as implantation of implants.
Penis thickening silicone and gel implants

The procedure is indicated in the absence of a pronounced result of non-invasive methods of correcting the diameter of the penis. This type of surgery is complex and also involves the implantation of implants based on silicone or gel into the tissue of the penis. The implants themselves differ from each other depending on the size. By installing such implants in the penile area, its girth and length can be increased. At the same time, the effect lasts a lifetime. This procedure is carried out on the same principle as breast augmentation with silicone implants, which are inserted under the skin.
The silicone filler itself looks like a kind of gel bag that is placed under the surface of the skin. The implant covers the shaft of the penis, wrapping around it and increasing its volume.
Such an intervention is performed under general anesthesia and requires careful preparation of the patient - prior consultations, examinations, and all tests prescribed by a doctor. After the operation, hospitalization of 7 to 10 days is necessary; the rehabilitation period can take up to six months - this is the duration of the complete restoration of the penis and its functions, after which it will be possible to start an intimate life.
This method of penis enlargement is one of the most expensive.
Hyaluronic acid injections

The fillers based on hyaluronic acid make it possible to correct the missing volumes of various parts of the body and the face, in particular by increasing the diameter of the penis. The procedure is carried out using injections made by a micro-needle. During the procedure, local anesthesia is used; the rehabilitation period lasts about a week. With this method, you can add up to two and a half centimeters to the diameter of the penis.
Hyaluronic acid itself is synthesized in the human body, therefore, fillers based on it are considered safe; there is no risk of allergy or material rejection.
The disadvantages of this method of penis enlargement include a short-lived effect - hyaluronic acid is absorbed into the body after about 6-8 months, after which the injections will need to be repeated.
This method, although not economical, will cost you much less than the previous one. The amount required in a particular load case is also determined by the beautician.
It is strongly recommended to request such procedures in specialized clinics. It is desirable that the specialist in injections of fillers has not only a background in cosmetology, but also a full-fledged medical education. Do not hesitate to ask to show the documents about his education, the license of the clinic itself, as well as the documents of the drug injected into the tissues of the genital organ, because in this area it is easy to come acrossa fake or a bad quality product.
Dangerous and questionable methods
During the entire period of manipulations to increase the volume of the penis, a large number of rather dangerous methods were formed, the use of which is associated with certain risks. Healthcare professionals strongly advise against the use of the techniques described below.
Vaseline injection
An ancient and artisanal technique of increasing the diameter of the penis, which has gained special popularity in prisons. Petroleum jelly, being a petroleum product, is considered to be incompatible with the organism from a biological point of view and, therefore, dangerous.
Sure, technically petroleum jelly fillers can correct penile parameters, but the possible side effects aren't worth it. Implantation of petroleum jelly under the skin of the penis carries the following risks:
- Development of infections and inflammation;
- Increased risk of developing sexually transmitted diseases;
- Damage to organic tissues;
- The appearance of formations of an ulcerative nature;
- Tissue necrosis.
Another questionable method of increasing the diameter of the penis is injecting synthol under the skin. This synthetic preparation has the ability to wrap the muscles and give visual volume to the area in which the procedure was performed. This remedy has become especially popular among bodybuilders trying to artificially increase their muscles.
The introduction of synthol into the genitals is fraught with consequences such as:
- Swelling and inflammation;
- Disturbances in the work of blood vessels;
- Circulatory problems in the penile area;
- The formation of bumps and irregularities on the skin, because the oil of synthetic origin entering into the composition of the preparations is not very sensitive to absorption in the body.
The most dangerous consequences arise when synthol enters a vein or artery - in this case, a stroke or heart attack may develop.
Foreign body

Implantation of devices such as balls and other forms under the skin of the phallus is associated with a high risk of rejection. As for the increase in the diameter of the penis - in this case, it occurs only in certain areas in which objects have been placed.
At the same time, sex life becomes problematic and uncomfortable both for the owner of such devices and for his partner. Tissues in the area of implantation of the balls can be damaged by friction, which further leads to inflammatory processes.
Exercises to thicken the penis
To increase the volume of the penis at home, there are a large number of special workouts and exercises. For the most pronounced result, it is recommended to combine several procedures. We offer the following options:
- Testicular massage; the duration of the procedure should be at least 5 minutes;
- Warm the penis with a towel soaked in hot water. To do this, the shaft of the penis should be wrapped in a towel for 10-12 minutes.
- Jelqing - several sets of exercises per day, each of which must include at least 100 movements;
- Sitting on the penis - performed in a semi-erect state for 10 minutes;
- A similar amount of time should be taken by careful flexing of the erect organ;
- Pumping the penis.

The last procedure is carried out using a flask with a vacuum pump; per day you need to take three approaches, gradually increasing the load. Between pumping sessions, it is recommended to push up to 15 movements.
If discomfort or painful sensations appear in the organs of the genitourinary system, it is necessary to stop training for a while or reduce the load.
At the end of the series of exercises, it is necessary to use a cream or ointment against edema and bruising to improve tissue regeneration.
External remedies: creams and gels
You can also increase the size of the penis with the help of special gels, creams and sprays designed to increase the size of the penis.
The expansion occurs due to the powerful blood flow to the organs of the genitourinary system - including the phallus. Caverns - the cavernous bodies that make up the tissues of the penis, expand and fill with blood. This allows you to increase the volume and thickness of the penis.
Such funds are suitable for those who need a rapid increase just before intercourse: gels and creams begin to act within 10-15 minutes after application. When using external agents in a course, the effect of penis enlargement is achieved continuously.
What result can we get
With the regular implementation of all workouts and exercises of such a complex, after 2-3 months you can increase the diameter of the penis by about 2 centimeters. As for a more significant increase in parameters, it can not be achieved with certainty, unless, of course, talking about plastic surgery.
If you decide to correct the diameter of the penis, we recommend that you first resort to manual techniques and exercises, carefully following the training program. If the result does not suit you, you can turn to other methods - the safest of them are hyaluronic acid injections to increase penis size.